Out of the Box "Feed People Whenever Possible" has published their volunteer work days and food distribution days calendar for 2025.
Out of the Box gives out boxes and bags of groceries, free of charge, once a month. Join us in supporting our neighbors with monthly food distributions and special events like the Annual Backpack Giveaway!
Out of the Box gives out boxes and bags of groceries, free of charge, once a month. Join us in supporting our neighbors with monthly food distributions and special events like the Annual Backpack Giveaway!
Job Announcement
Wanted: Relationship Builder who likes pizza and games!
Trinity Presbyterian Church is seeking to hire a new Youth Director.
Download the complete job announcement (and feel free to share pass it along.)
Download the complete job announcement (and feel free to share pass it along.)
Sunday School begins a new curriculum
Feasting on the Word ,published by our PC(USA) denomination, is based on the Revised Common Lectionary, which means that it follows a 3-year cycle of scripture readings, and covers most of the Bible in those 3 years. This new program will:
• Introduce biblical stories in new and creative ways. • Gather our class with age-appropriate learning activities. • Challenge our learners to put their faith into action and grow in their self-understanding as Christians. • Prepare our learners for the worship and service of God. Read more about it in our September Newsletter |
- New Mask Policy as of March13, 2022:
- In accordance with new federal, state and county guidelines we will not be requiring mask indoors.
- Everyone wishing to wear a mask will always be met with honor and respect
We are following these guidelines:
The Session will closely monitor the available data as we go and announces any changes needed to maintain safe conditions.
In the meantime, we encourage you attend our:
Please let us know if there is any way that we can assist you during this time.
Please know that we love you, that we miss you all, and that we are eager to worship together again as soon as possible.
- Masks are no longer required in the sanctuary.
- Rows will be marked off for social distancing.
- Family groups may sit together.
- Friends may also choose to sit together if they are comfortable doing so.
- If you are uncomfortable with the situation in the sanctuary, you are invited to sit in the Fellowship Hall where the worship service will be broadcast on the screen.
- Masks are required in the Fellowship Hall and you are requested to socially distance as appropriate.
- Coffee hour will be outside around the picnic table following worship.
The Session will closely monitor the available data as we go and announces any changes needed to maintain safe conditions.
In the meantime, we encourage you attend our:
- weekly worship service on Facebook and Sunday School class
- Zoom Group Bible Study on Thursdays, 6:30-7:30. Contact the Church Office for more information.
Please let us know if there is any way that we can assist you during this time.
Please know that we love you, that we miss you all, and that we are eager to worship together again as soon as possible.