Here at Trinity your kids will find a safe, loving place to learn about the Bible and develop a deeper faith in God.
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Bringing Your Child for the First Time
Faith Formation at Home
Nursery and Preschool
Sunday School: K-5
Youth 6th-12th Grade
Faith Formation at Home
Nursery and Preschool
Sunday School: K-5
Youth 6th-12th Grade
Read about our Health and Safety policies here.
Bringing your family for the first time? Here's what to expect!
First time at Trinity? We are excited to meet you and your kids! Please come around 9:45 so you have time to get yourself and your kids settled before Gathered Worship begins at 10 a.m.
please contact us at or call our church office at 916-371-5875.
- Bring your elementary aged kids to Room 3, where we will welcome them with games, songs, a Bible story, and often a craft. This is a great time to tell us about any special needs or allergies. More information about Sunday School here.
- Bring your younger children through the Fellowship Hall to Room 7, where they will have supervised playtime. Be sure to sign the registration book, and leave your mobile phone number, in case of emergency. For more information about Nursery/Preschool see below.
- Students in middle school and high school are invited to join us for the beginning of Gathered Worship in the Sanctuary. They will then be invited to exit with the youth leaders. Teens will meet in Room 1 for a lighthearted discussion time.
- Children and Communion
At Trinity, we usually participate in Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) as a church family on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is invited to take the bread and juice, as the pastor reminds us to remember Christ’s sacrifice to all of us. Children are included in this sacrament, with parent or guardian’s approval. If your elementary- or teen-aged child has never taken Communion before, we ask that you take a few minutes ahead of the Sunday service to find out if your child understands the significance of the bread and the juice. If your child thinks it’s “snack time,” then he or she probably isn’t ready to participate. If you would like, we would be happy to arrange a time, separate from Gathered Worship, for you and your child to meet with a teacher, elder, or pastor, to help prepare your child to participate in Communion.
On a Communion Sunday, children will meet in the Sunday School room as usual. After the sermon, the teacher will bring the elementary-age children to the parents or guardians, so that families can participate in Communion together. Nursery and preschool children will not be released for Communion unless requested at sign-in. The Youth Sunday School class will return to Gathered Worship with their teachers. After Communion, teachers may escort children back to Sunday School for the remainder of the Gathered Worship Service.
please contact us at or call our church office at 916-371-5875.
Faith Formation at Home
Kids learn the most about their faith in their daily life at home and school, not at church! We at Trinity would like to encourage you, as parents, guardians, and caregivers of God’s children, to lead your children in their faith development, with help and support from the church. Talking about faith, God, and the Bible in your home is incredibly important! A child’s faith will become real and authentic by what he or she sees and learns at home, so much more than what he or she might pick up at Sunday School! We can teach them the stories, but you teach them how to live a life of faith and integrity.
When your children are at home, use these tools to explore God’s grace and gratitude each day:
When your children are at home, use these tools to explore God’s grace and gratitude each day:
- Grace Sightings: the weekly Bible story with age-appropriate activities for your family to do at home. Click here for a sample.
- Audio Recordings: the weekly Bible story brought to life by endearing readings and sound effects. Click below to hear a sample
- Coloring pages for each weekly Bible story, great for ages 3-5. Click here for a sample.
- E-book: the quarter’s colorful illustrations, Bible stories, and Grace Sightings in iBook and Kindle formats.
Nursery and Preschool: Ages 0–5 (not yet in Kindergarten)

Our nursery and preschool room is located in Room 7, at the rear of the Fellowship Hall. All children age 0-5, not yet in kindergarten, are welcome to come play in our nursery and preschool room. Kind, trained adults will be available to ensure that your youngest ones have a positive experience while their parents attend Gathered Worship. For parents who are not quite ready to go very far from their little ones, seating in the Fellowship Hall is available, with screens to view and listen to the Gathered Worship Service, while remaining close to the playroom. Be sure to sign the registration book when you drop off your child, and leave your mobile phone number, in case the teacher needs to reach you during service. After the worship service, children will be released to an approved adult only.
Sunday School: Kindergarten through 5th grade

All children in kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate.
Sunday School meets in Room 3 from 10 a.m. through the end of Gathered Worship. Children are welcome to arrive as early as 9:45 a.m.
Children will be released after Gathered Worship to an approved adult only.
When your children are at Sunday School, they will gather to explore and respond to God’s grace and be sent out to love and serve God by being:
Sunday School meets in Room 3 from 10 a.m. through the end of Gathered Worship. Children are welcome to arrive as early as 9:45 a.m.
Children will be released after Gathered Worship to an approved adult only.
When your children are at Sunday School, they will gather to explore and respond to God’s grace and be sent out to love and serve God by being:
- rooted in the foundation of Presbyterian identity where God’s grace and our gratitude are the heartbeat of our faith, life, and worship;
- invited to discipleship that inspires them to learn and practice hospitality, generosity, and love; and
- encouraged to reach beyond Sunday mornings and church walls to live their lives as an expression of God's grace.