Who We Are
First and foremost, we're a Christian church. Our church slogan is "Christ leading our church family in God's love." And we believe that Trinity is a place where people can experience God's love - and God's presence - in meaningful and life-changing ways, especially as it's expressed in the person, work, and leading of Jesus Christ. We also believe that the Bible is God's word for us and that the Holy Spirit continues to speak through it.
We are a caring, multi-generational community. There aren't that many multi-generational experiences in America today. We tend to hang out with people our own age. At Trinity people from different generations care about each other and have fun together too! (See the children and student page for more expressions of the multi-generational church.)
Worship is the center of our church life at Trinity, and we're passionate about what we do. Our praise team leads us in singing contemporary music, our choir sings anthems, and our talented keyboardist leads us in traditional music too. As Jesus told the woman at the well, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). See Music and Worship for details.
We take Christ's leadership and call to service seriously. Out church gives 17% of its income each year to mission and service - much of that in the local community. We also read to kids at Evergreen and Westmore Oaks Elementary Schools, make over a hundred "goody bags" of necessities for those in need each December, make quilts for children who need a little warmth, help Evergreen Elementary School get ready for school each year, and our youth group does an annual mission trip (sometimes an intergenerational trip). We're always looking for new ways to share God's love with others through service. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus tells his disciples, "You received without payment; give without payment." See Mission and Service for details.
At Trinity, there's always more to learn to "renew our minds" (Romans 12:2). We have Bible study and small group opportunities to learn about the Bible, the Christian walk, and the world around us. We also believe in teaching our children and youth (middle school and high school age).
The Presbyterian Church is one expression of the Christian Church. In the Presbyterian Church, the members of the church have a say in how the church is run - from choosing pastors to how the money is spent. We elect our leadership team - the session - and the people who care for us - the deacons - from among the church members. We really believe that everyone has a ministry at Trinity (see 1 Peter 2:9 - the source of the idea of "the priesthood of all believers"). For more information on the Presbyterian Church, see pcusa.org.
At Trinity, we're not satisfied with going through the motions. We won't settle for less than living out our Christian faith and transforming the world we live in. Each of us lives out our purpose in a different way.
Worship is fun, our events are fun, and our congregation is filled with fun, caring people with a good sense of humor (even people you wouldn't expect it from by looking at them). We take what we believe and what we do seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously.
Trinity has 70 years of history in our community, but we never get stale and complacent. You can read our history to see how we became who we are today!
First and foremost, we're a Christian church. Our church slogan is "Christ leading our church family in God's love." And we believe that Trinity is a place where people can experience God's love - and God's presence - in meaningful and life-changing ways, especially as it's expressed in the person, work, and leading of Jesus Christ. We also believe that the Bible is God's word for us and that the Holy Spirit continues to speak through it.
We are a caring, multi-generational community. There aren't that many multi-generational experiences in America today. We tend to hang out with people our own age. At Trinity people from different generations care about each other and have fun together too! (See the children and student page for more expressions of the multi-generational church.)
Worship is the center of our church life at Trinity, and we're passionate about what we do. Our praise team leads us in singing contemporary music, our choir sings anthems, and our talented keyboardist leads us in traditional music too. As Jesus told the woman at the well, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). See Music and Worship for details.
We take Christ's leadership and call to service seriously. Out church gives 17% of its income each year to mission and service - much of that in the local community. We also read to kids at Evergreen and Westmore Oaks Elementary Schools, make over a hundred "goody bags" of necessities for those in need each December, make quilts for children who need a little warmth, help Evergreen Elementary School get ready for school each year, and our youth group does an annual mission trip (sometimes an intergenerational trip). We're always looking for new ways to share God's love with others through service. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus tells his disciples, "You received without payment; give without payment." See Mission and Service for details.
At Trinity, there's always more to learn to "renew our minds" (Romans 12:2). We have Bible study and small group opportunities to learn about the Bible, the Christian walk, and the world around us. We also believe in teaching our children and youth (middle school and high school age).
The Presbyterian Church is one expression of the Christian Church. In the Presbyterian Church, the members of the church have a say in how the church is run - from choosing pastors to how the money is spent. We elect our leadership team - the session - and the people who care for us - the deacons - from among the church members. We really believe that everyone has a ministry at Trinity (see 1 Peter 2:9 - the source of the idea of "the priesthood of all believers"). For more information on the Presbyterian Church, see pcusa.org.
At Trinity, we're not satisfied with going through the motions. We won't settle for less than living out our Christian faith and transforming the world we live in. Each of us lives out our purpose in a different way.
Worship is fun, our events are fun, and our congregation is filled with fun, caring people with a good sense of humor (even people you wouldn't expect it from by looking at them). We take what we believe and what we do seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously.
Trinity has 70 years of history in our community, but we never get stale and complacent. You can read our history to see how we became who we are today!