The kids had a great week learning about how to be peacemakers. They heard stories from the Bible about people who solved problems in peaceful ways. They played games and made crafts with peace themes. They sang songs about being peacemakers. They also learned about countries around the world where peace is needed, and about real peacemakers who are making a difference in those countries. They raised money and encouraged the congregation to give more, for the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, whose mission is to transform cultures of violence into communities of peace. And learn more about the International Peacemakers.
You can view photos from the week on our Gallery page,
Video of the week's activities from our YouTube Channel
Volunteers needed
Vacation Bible School depends on a large team of volunteers! Volunteers can be small group leaders, worship or drama leaders, Bible story teachers, craft leaders, game leaders, tech support, preschool leader, mission project leader, snack preparation, and photographer. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the children of this congregation and the local community. Where will you plug in this year?
Please contact Lori Schlunegger to get involved!