Sermon Videos
Many include the full gathered worship service
You can find our current video recordings in our Trinity Worship Services playlist on our YouTube channel
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And if you prefer an audio-only file you check out our podcast page.
Archived Sermons - 2021
Healthy Church Part 1: Club, Hub or Pub - August 20, Pastor Jamie Crook
Why Does God Allow Suffering Part 2 - August 8, Pastor Jamie Crook
Why Does God Allow Suffering, Part 1 - August 1, Pastor Jamie Crook
Feb 7, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 5" Bulletin
-Jan 24, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 3" No Bulletin
-Jan 17, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 2" Bulletin
-Jan 10, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 1" Bulletin
-Jan 3, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "One Thing" Bulletin
Why Does God Allow Suffering Part 2 - August 8, Pastor Jamie Crook
Why Does God Allow Suffering, Part 1 - August 1, Pastor Jamie Crook
Feb 7, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 5" Bulletin
-Jan 24, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 3" No Bulletin
-Jan 17, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 2" Bulletin
-Jan 10, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Pursued - Part 1" Bulletin
-Jan 3, 2021 Pastor Jamie Crook, "One Thing" Bulletin
Archived Sermons - 2020
-Dec 24, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Christmas Eve,"
-Dec 20, 2020 Guest Pastor Stand Henderson, "Imagine Jesus, Part 3: Matthew: Jesus as the Fulfillment of God's Promise" - Scripture: Isaiah 9:2,6-7, Matthew 2:18-25 Bulletin
-Dec 13, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Imagine Jesus, Part 2: Luke: Jesus as the Savior of the World" - Scripture: Luke 8: 25-32 Bulletin
-Dec 6, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Imagine Jesus, Part 1: Mark: Jesus the Suffering Servant" - Scripture: Mark 8: 27-35 Bulletin
-November 29, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Under Construction Part 4: Building Faith: In Suffering" - Scripture: Jude 1:20 No Bulletin
-November 22, 2020 Guest Pastor Stan Henderson, "Under Construction Part 3: Building Faith: Through Prayer" - Scripture: Psalm 32 Bulletin
-November 15, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Under Construction Part 2: Building Faith: Confession" - Scripture: Psalm 32 Bulletin
-November 08, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Under Construction Part 1: Building Faith by Being a Witness" - Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:5 Bulletin
-November 01, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Faith or Fear? Which Guides Your Giving?" - Scripture Reading: Psalm 57 Bulletin
-October 25, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Singing in the Rain" - Scripture Reading: Psalm 57 Bulletin
-October 18, 2020 Pastor Brenda Salter McNeil, "What's in a Name" - Scripture Reading: Esther 2:10-11, 17, 19-20 Bulletin
-October 11, 2020 Pastor Andy Stanley, "Faith and Religion, Part 3: Kingdom First" - Bulletin
-October 4, 2020 Pastor Andy Stanley, "Faith and Religion, Part 2: Choosing Sides" - Bulletin
-September 27, 2020 Pastor Andy Stanley, "Faith and Religion, Part 1: One is the Win" - Bulletin
-September 20, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 4, Watch Your Words" Scripture Reading: James 3: 1-12 - Bulletin
-September 13, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 3, Just Do It!" Scripture Reading: James 2: 14-26 - Bulletin
-August 30, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 2, Listening, Speaking and Anger" Scripture Reading: James 1: 19-21 - Bulletin
-August 23, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 1, Joy in Suffering" - Bulletin
-August 16, 2020 Pastor Eugene Cho, "How to Talk about Politics and not be a Jerk" Scripture Reading: Heb 2: 8-9 - Bulletin
-August 9, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 5: Hope in Suffering" Scripture Reading: Heb 2: 8-9 - Bulletin
-August 2, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, "ANCHORED, Part 4: Church" Scripture Reading: Deut 6: 4-9 Heb 102: 19-2 - Bulletin
-July 26, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 3: Jesus" Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2: 1-2, 4:12-13 - Bulletin
-July 19, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 2: Scripture" Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2: 1-2, 4:12-13 - Bulletin
-July 11, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 1: Salvation" Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2: 1-4 - Bulletin
-July 5, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 7: Go" Scripture Reading: Matthew 28 :16-20 - Bulletin
-June 28, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 6: Gratitude" Scripture Reading: Galatians 5: 13-26 - Bulletin
-June 21, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 5: Growing" Scripture Reading: Galatians 5: 13-26 - Bulletin
-June 14, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 4: Group" Scripture Reading: Acts 2:42-47 - Bulletin
-June 07, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part III: Giving" Scripture Reading: Matthew 5: 19-24 - Bulletin
-May 31, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's: Faith Basics, part II: Gifts" Scripture Readings: Romans 12: 1-8 - Bulletin
-May 24, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's: Faith Basics, Part I: Grace" Scripture Readings: Ephesians 2: 1-10 - Bulletin
-May 17, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Rx Worry Part 3: Presence" Scripture Readings: Revelations 1:9-20 - Bulletin
-May 10, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Rx Worry Part 2: Joy in the Journey II" Scripture Readings: Philippians 4:4-9 - Bulletin
-May 3, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "RX Worry Part 1: Joy in the Journey" Scripture Readings: Philippians 4:4-13 - Bulletin
-April 26, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "From Failure to Fulfillment" Scripture Readings: John: 21: 1-14 - Bulletin
-April 19, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Hope on a Road Called Despair" Scripture Readings: Luke: 24 13-35 - Bulletin
-April 12, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, Easter, "An Easter Hope" Scripture Readings: Psalm 91, Luke 24: 13-35 - Bulletin
-April 10, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, Good Friday, "The Choice" Scripture Readings: Isaiah 53: 1-6, John 18: 33-40 - Bulletin
-April 5, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, "With the Eyes of the Heart" Scripture Readings: Psalm 135: 13-18 , John 9:1-41 - Bulletin
-March 29, 2020: Pastor Stan Henderson, "No Ordinary Disciple" Scripture Readings: Isaiah 42:5-9 , John 1:35-42 - Bulletin
-March 22, 2020: Pastor Stan Henderson, "When Storms Threaten" Scripture Readings: Psalm 107: 23-32, Mark 35-41 - Bulletin
-Dec 20, 2020 Guest Pastor Stand Henderson, "Imagine Jesus, Part 3: Matthew: Jesus as the Fulfillment of God's Promise" - Scripture: Isaiah 9:2,6-7, Matthew 2:18-25 Bulletin
-Dec 13, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Imagine Jesus, Part 2: Luke: Jesus as the Savior of the World" - Scripture: Luke 8: 25-32 Bulletin
-Dec 6, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Imagine Jesus, Part 1: Mark: Jesus the Suffering Servant" - Scripture: Mark 8: 27-35 Bulletin
-November 29, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Under Construction Part 4: Building Faith: In Suffering" - Scripture: Jude 1:20 No Bulletin
-November 22, 2020 Guest Pastor Stan Henderson, "Under Construction Part 3: Building Faith: Through Prayer" - Scripture: Psalm 32 Bulletin
-November 15, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Under Construction Part 2: Building Faith: Confession" - Scripture: Psalm 32 Bulletin
-November 08, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Under Construction Part 1: Building Faith by Being a Witness" - Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:5 Bulletin
-November 01, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Faith or Fear? Which Guides Your Giving?" - Scripture Reading: Psalm 57 Bulletin
-October 25, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Singing in the Rain" - Scripture Reading: Psalm 57 Bulletin
-October 18, 2020 Pastor Brenda Salter McNeil, "What's in a Name" - Scripture Reading: Esther 2:10-11, 17, 19-20 Bulletin
-October 11, 2020 Pastor Andy Stanley, "Faith and Religion, Part 3: Kingdom First" - Bulletin
-October 4, 2020 Pastor Andy Stanley, "Faith and Religion, Part 2: Choosing Sides" - Bulletin
-September 27, 2020 Pastor Andy Stanley, "Faith and Religion, Part 1: One is the Win" - Bulletin
-September 20, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 4, Watch Your Words" Scripture Reading: James 3: 1-12 - Bulletin
-September 13, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 3, Just Do It!" Scripture Reading: James 2: 14-26 - Bulletin
-August 30, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 2, Listening, Speaking and Anger" Scripture Reading: James 1: 19-21 - Bulletin
-August 23, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "James Living Faith: Part 1, Joy in Suffering" - Bulletin
-August 16, 2020 Pastor Eugene Cho, "How to Talk about Politics and not be a Jerk" Scripture Reading: Heb 2: 8-9 - Bulletin
-August 9, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 5: Hope in Suffering" Scripture Reading: Heb 2: 8-9 - Bulletin
-August 2, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, "ANCHORED, Part 4: Church" Scripture Reading: Deut 6: 4-9 Heb 102: 19-2 - Bulletin
-July 26, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 3: Jesus" Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2: 1-2, 4:12-13 - Bulletin
-July 19, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 2: Scripture" Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2: 1-2, 4:12-13 - Bulletin
-July 11, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "ANCHORED, Part 1: Salvation" Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2: 1-4 - Bulletin
-July 5, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 7: Go" Scripture Reading: Matthew 28 :16-20 - Bulletin
-June 28, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 6: Gratitude" Scripture Reading: Galatians 5: 13-26 - Bulletin
-June 21, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 5: Growing" Scripture Reading: Galatians 5: 13-26 - Bulletin
-June 14, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part 4: Group" Scripture Reading: Acts 2:42-47 - Bulletin
-June 07, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's Faith Basics, Part III: Giving" Scripture Reading: Matthew 5: 19-24 - Bulletin
-May 31, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's: Faith Basics, part II: Gifts" Scripture Readings: Romans 12: 1-8 - Bulletin
-May 24, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "7 G's: Faith Basics, Part I: Grace" Scripture Readings: Ephesians 2: 1-10 - Bulletin
-May 17, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Rx Worry Part 3: Presence" Scripture Readings: Revelations 1:9-20 - Bulletin
-May 10, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Rx Worry Part 2: Joy in the Journey II" Scripture Readings: Philippians 4:4-9 - Bulletin
-May 3, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "RX Worry Part 1: Joy in the Journey" Scripture Readings: Philippians 4:4-13 - Bulletin
-April 26, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "From Failure to Fulfillment" Scripture Readings: John: 21: 1-14 - Bulletin
-April 19, 2020 Pastor Jamie Crook, "Hope on a Road Called Despair" Scripture Readings: Luke: 24 13-35 - Bulletin
-April 12, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, Easter, "An Easter Hope" Scripture Readings: Psalm 91, Luke 24: 13-35 - Bulletin
-April 10, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, Good Friday, "The Choice" Scripture Readings: Isaiah 53: 1-6, John 18: 33-40 - Bulletin
-April 5, 2020 Pastor Stan Henderson, "With the Eyes of the Heart" Scripture Readings: Psalm 135: 13-18 , John 9:1-41 - Bulletin
-March 29, 2020: Pastor Stan Henderson, "No Ordinary Disciple" Scripture Readings: Isaiah 42:5-9 , John 1:35-42 - Bulletin
-March 22, 2020: Pastor Stan Henderson, "When Storms Threaten" Scripture Readings: Psalm 107: 23-32, Mark 35-41 - Bulletin